
We collaborate with international partners to provide access to drinking water to the world's poorest, primarily in rural communities and forgotten refugee camps.


We support research and learning initiatives, environments and individuals within technical and natural science disciplines.


We support community projects in communities all over the world where Grundfos companies and employees engage to make a difference in their local community

How was the split between the philanthropic areas in 2023?

256 million

The Foundation committed DKK 256 million to philanthropic projects in 2023. Find all donations here

45 % Water

In 2023, 45 % of the grants went to water projects.

27 % Research

In 2023, 27 % of the grants supported research and learning environments and initiatives.

23 % Inclusion

In 2023, 19% of the grants supported community and labour market inclusion.

9% Global Citizenship

In 2023, 8% of the grants supported Community Engagement projects and 1% was distributed as prizes and scholarships.

We own Grundfos
As majority shareholder, we are looking out for Grundfos’ interests. We set up holistic goals and challenge the Board of the Grundfos Group. We also contribute to the Group’s development and to the world through our employee awards and scholarships.

C40 and the Grundfos Foundation expand partnership to help cities achieve water resilience

The Grundfos Foundation has renewed its support for the Water Safe Cities programme with a commitment of US$ 3.64 million (DKK 25.5 million) over the next three years for C40 Cities, the global network of nearly 100 cities committed to urgent and equitable climate action.

Fighting plastic pollution in Vietnam

Hand in hand with local partners, Grundfos colleagues in Vietnam have set out to free the water bodies in and around Ho Chi Minh City of plastic pollution.

A role model in space travel and science

ESA Astronaut Andreas Mogensen travels around Denmark and shows children and young people how science and technology play an important role in space missions and the space industry in general.

Research-practice collaboration to tackle immediate and future urban water challenges

A new collaboration between the Queen Mary Center, Professor of Political Science Michele Betsill, and C40 will investigate the transformative potential of high ambition city commitments within urban water management and resilience building.

2024 Grundfos Prize Student Award

Awards for 4 talented Grundfos students were handed out at the 2024 Grundfos Prize Ceremony on 6 November.

The path to sustainability is through better design

Many initiatives to make our lives more sustainable are counteracted by user behavior. DTU Professor Daniela Pigosso is working to prevent this. She has dedicated her professional life to ensuring that sustainable innovations contribute to sustainability. For her efforts, she has been awarded this year's Grundfos Prize.

Support for UNICEF’s Emergency Response in Lebanon

The conflict in the Middle East has spread across all of Lebanon where escalating hostilities has created enormous needs for lifesaving assistance and support. The Grundfos Foundation is supporting UNICEF's humanitarian efforts in this already fragile country.

Water as a job creator for youth in Togo

With DKK 20 m in funding from the Grundfos Foundation, PlanBørnefonden will use water as a lever for job creation among young people in Togo. The project combines the Foundation’s expertise in water with PlanBørnefonden’s many years of experience in job creation for youth to create sustainable future prospects for young people in the West African country.

New understanding of dynamics of turbulence

With support from the Grundfos Foundation, researchers at DTU have developed new theoretical knowledge that contributes to a better understanding of the dynamics of turbulence. A new DKK 12.5 million grant allows the continued work of developing the understanding of turbulence.