06. Jul. 2020
The Foundation's US-based partner, Water Mission, has developed a number of resources to support hand hygiene promotion. The resources are available for free download and re-use.

In early April, Water Mission received 10,2m DKK (1.5m USD) for extra hygiene in all of our joint projects (primarily Tanzania, Kenya and Indonesia), i.e. by establishing hand-washing facilities at all tap stands as they pose a significant risk of transferring virus from one user to the next.

Since then, Water Mission has developed a series of information resources and made them available to everyone.

COVID19 Emergency Hand Hygiene Program

Making hand-washing facilities available is important to help people protect themselves from COVID-19. Here are instructions on building adequate infrastructure:

In the video below, Benjamin Filskov, Country Director, Water Mission Tanzania, explains about the coronavirus prevention activities in the East African country:

COVID19 Awareness and Risk Mitigation Training

Behavioral change is another very important aspect. Community awareness and training helps people understand how their behavior affects the spread of the virus:

The COVID-19 Emergency Handwashing Technical Brief includes design of hand-washing stations and measures to maintain social distancing. Photo: Water Mission.


PDJF & Water Mission Covid Response in Kenya from Poul Due Jensen Foundation on Vimeo.