In the Foundation’s exhibition booth, you can meet the Foundation’s projects partners from Practical Action (Water for pastoralist communities in Turkana) and Aarhus University (Water Dowsing with Science and anthropological studies of the water sector in Nairobi), as well as staff from Grundfos Safe Water and Sustainability.

Researchers from Aarhus University have developed the tTEM technology that scans the underground to identify and monitor groundwater resources. Photo: Aarhus University
On Monday and Tuesday, the Foundation’s exhibition room in Norra Latin 2:1 will be the venue for several interesting events:
Modern technologies in humanitarian contexts
Monday afternoon 3:30-3:50 PM, we are hosting a joint event between the Foundation, Grundfos SafeWater, and NGOs World Vision and Water Mission.
“The target of the event is to share experience with the audience regarding the use of modern technologies in the humanitarian context. We still see some NGOs keep using hand pumps, so it’s basically to share learnings and benefits of using modern technologies for humanitarian applications,” explains Nils Thorup, Head of Water at Grundfos Foundation.
The organisers hope to attract WASH specialists to the event that will be followed by a mingle with drinks and snacks where participants can continue discussions in smaller groups.
The struggle for water control in Nairobi
Tuesday 10.00-10.30 AM, PhD fellow Maja Jeppesen shares the preliminary results of her anthropological research on the struggles for the control over water provision in Nairobi, Kenya.
- The presentation is around 15 minutes and there will be time for questions afterwards.
- We’ve ordered coffee for the first 15 people.
INTO DUST screening and panel discussion
Tuesday 17:30-19:30 PM, we will host an exclusive screening of INTO DUST. The 40-minute drama-documentary tells the extraordinary story of Perween Rahman, a woman who sacrificed everything to provide Karachi’s poorest communities with clean, safe water.
INTO DUST trailer from Grundfos Foundation | PDJF on Vimeo.
The film is followed by a panel discussion moderated by Görrel Espelund who runs the World Water Week Communications Initiative.
- Rebecca Ilunga, Senior Manager, Water Security, C40,
- Maja Jeppesen, PhD student, Aarhus University
- Jorge Alvarez-Sala, Senior Advisor Water and Climate Resilient WASH, Unicef
The event takes place in the beautiful art-deco cinema Capitol Bio. Personal tickets for the event are distributed from the Foundation’s exhibition at Norra Latin.

The screening is open to guests with a valid ticket. Tickets are distributed at the Foundation’s exhibition room on Monday and Tuesday.
Roundtable Dialogue
Wednesday 31 August at 15:00 PM, Grundfos Sustainability is hosting a roundtable dialogue moderated by Alex Mung, Head of Water and Environmental Resilience at World Economic Forum, to explore what we have overlooked and which partners need to get on board in order to accelerate the global water agenda and bring the needed attention to water.