10. Feb. 2025
Over the next two years, the Grundfos Foundation will contribute a total of DKK5 million to the Danish Refugee Council’s Global Emergency Response Fund.

The partnership enables the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) to quickly reach even more forcibly displaced people globally with lifesaving humanitarian assistance such as shelter, food and water and protection services when emergencies occur and where it is most needed.

“We are proud to partner with the Grundfos Foundation. This new, trust-based emergency partnership will enable DRC to quickly respond and deliver urgently needed humanitarian assistance to displaced persons affected by shocks globally – as and where it is needed the most,” says Charlotte Slente, Secretary General of the Danish Refugee Council.

The partnership with the Danish Refugee Council is the latest of several trust-based humanitarian partnerships established by the Foundation over the last two years.

We are confident that the Danish Refugee Council knows best how to address developments in the hotspots where they are already present. Every minute counts in the aftermath of a disaster, and with immediate access to funds, they can act quickly and efficiently, ultimately saving lives and alleviating suffering.
Kim Nøhr Skibsted, Executive Director, Grundfos Foundation

Relief to displaced populations affected by earthquakes in Ethiopia

Thanks to the new emergency partnership with the Grundfos Foundation, DKK 1.6 million has already been allocated from the DRC Global Emergency Response Fund to respond to urgent needs in the Afar and Oromia regions of Ethiopia where thousands of people have been displaced due to the impact of several earthquakes over the past months. This new displacement takes place against a backdrop of conflict and displacement in recent years in the country.  The majority of the internally displaced are now living in informal sites including schools and other facilities.

Arriving at the displacement site: The DRC team is greeted by Mekbul Dequro, a representative from the local government.

Arriving at a displacement site in Afar Region, the DRC team is greeted by Mekbul Dequro, a representative from the local government. Photo credit: Fraol Thomas.

With the support of the Grundfos Foundation, DRC will provide lifesaving protection assistance to thousands of displaced people such as psychosocial support and distribution of dignity kits, benefitting in particular women and girls.

DRC Danish Refugee Council has been present in Ethiopia since 2009.