Annual Review
The Annual Review looks back at some of the results and learning that came out of the Foundation’s projects over the past year.

2024: Community Engagement

As the owner of the Grundfos Group and its affiliated companies, our desire has been to create the opportunity for local engagement and to live our common values in collaboration with others. This has happened across most of the world, and we are delighted to see that the Foundation’s contributions are producing sustainable results on both a large and small scale. This, coupled with the Grundfos Group’s unique volunteering programme, which gives employees three paid days to engage locally, has resulted in specific, lasting programmes within education, environment and active citizenship.

The front page of this year’s Annual Review illustrates such a Community Engagement programme, where Grundfos colleagues in Vietnam have set about removing plastic waste from rivers and other watercourses.  Hundreds of other programmes in various parts of the world bear testimony to a huge desire to contribute.

Two publications on a table

This year’s cover photo showcases volunteers from the organisation Saigon Xanh, along with staff from Grundfos and ASSIST Asia, participating in a weekend canal clean-up in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Cover photo: Chris Trinh for FairPicture


The Foundation published its first annual review in 2016. You can download previous publications in both Danish and English from our archive.