11. Jun. 2024
The Foundation has provided a DKK 5 million ($725,000 USD) grant to Water Mission, a Christian engineering nonprofit. The grant will support the continued expansion of Water Mission’s disaster response program with an emphasis on improving readiness and capacity to quickly and efficiently respond to multiple disasters simultaneously.

Water Mission has more than 20 years of experience responding to natural disasters and humanitarian crises in over 50 countries with both immediate and long-term safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) solutions.

When they first moved to the camp, they did not have sufficient access to safe water or hygiene and sanitation solutions.“We had to queue to get water and hygiene products,” Yilidray said. “They distributed water as if we were beggars. We had to calculate the water we would drink and how much we would have left until they distributed water the next time.... We couldn't take a shower. We had to find places to relieve ourselves because there were no toilets. This was our situation.” Then in April, Water Mission’s disaster response team installed a safe water system. Now, Yilidray, his family, and 1,000 other people in the camp have consistent, reliable access to safe water. “We are grateful to Water Mission for getting us out of such a disgraceful situation. We can now fill our glasses with drinking water, like normal people. Our biggest problem is solved. We would like to thank Water Mission for bringing us a very good water source. From now on, we will be a little more comfortable.”

In April 2023, Water Mission’s disaster response team installed a safe water system in Municipal Bazaar Displacement Camp i Hatay, providing 1,000 people in the camp with consistent, reliable access to safe water.  Photo: Water Mission

In the last year, Water Mission responded to the devastating earthquakes in Turkey, and most recently the flooding in East Africa, serving over 280,000 people affected by disasters, often collaborating with organizations such as UNICEF, Oxfam, USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, World Central Kitchen, UN Migration (IOM), and others.

In the wake of a disaster, it is a matter of life and death to have access to safe drinking water, and every second counts. We have seen how Water Mission can respond quickly and efficiently with emergency safe water supplies. We are making emergency funding available to our trusted partner at short notice to avoid unnecessary red tape and delays in getting help to those who need it.
Kim Nøhr Skibsted, Executive Director, Grundfos Foundation

Emergency safe water access is critical for survival and recovery in every disaster. The internationally accepted Sphere Standards established for disasters stipulate the minimum volume of water required for drinking and domestic hygiene per household in a disaster context is two gallons (7.5 liters) per person per day.

Mobile Water Systems, Mykolaiv and Zaporozje - Ukraine

Mobile Water Systems, Mykolaiv and Zaporozje – Ukraine. Photo: Water Mission

Water Mission actively works to coordinate efforts with local government authorities and other responding organizations to exceed these disaster relief standards.

The Grundfos Foundation’s grant allows us to accelerate and expand our ability to respond to multiple disasters around the globe. This provides us with the flexibility to have pre-positioned equipment ready to go in our warehouses and dedicated people set to deploy to future disasters. We are thankful for the Grundfos Foundation’s generosity and trust.
George Greene IV, PE, CEO and President, Water Mission

In addition to its disaster response capabilities, Water Mission focuses on increasing sustainable safe water access in remote communities in eight countries around the world. This community development work is in response to the global water crisis, where according to the World Health Organization, more than two billion people around the world lack access to clean, safe water. Water Mission believes that, together, we can end the global water crisis. In the last year, Water Mission has served more than 1.9 million people with WASH solutions and more than 8 million people since its founding.