Composition of the Board
The Foundation Board of Directors has 12 members: Four descendants of Poul Due Jensen; four external members and four employee representatives.

Descendants of the founder

According to the Charter, descendants of Poul Due Jensen should always occupy four seats on the Foundation’s Board (if possible). The Founder’s children are entitled to seats on the Board for as long as they wish, but only until the age of 70. After that, these four family members may be granted a dispensation for two years at a time by a simple majority. Descendants are up for election according to a rotation principle.

Helena Due Langvad phone +45 20997076 Ingermarie Due Nielsen phone +45 20997076 Annette Due Jensen Photo by Morten Fauerby // MONTGOMERY Photo by Morten Fauerby // MONTGOMERY phone +45 20997076
Helena Videbæk Due Langvad Ingermarie Due Nielsen Annette Due Jensen Poul Due Jensen

External members

The Charter sets out that the Board includes 4 external members who are elected for a four-year period and may be re-elected. Individuals nominated for these seats must be highly competent in areas such as technology, finance, sales or general management. The external Board Members cannot be members of the day-to-day management of Grundfos.

Jabine van der Meijs Photo by Morten Fauerby // MONTGOMERY phone +45 20997076 Chairman, Flemming Konradsen phone +45 20997076 Photo by Morten Fauerby // MONTGOMERY Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen Photo by Morten Fauerby // MONTGOMERY
Jabine van der Meijs
Flemming Konradsen (Chair) Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen Claus Aagaard

Employee representatives

Employee representatives occupy the last 4 of the 12 seats on the Board in accordance with the Danish Act on Commercial Foundations. The employee representatives are elected by and among the Grundfos employees in the European Union to serve for a four-year term. Danish employees occupy two seats, while European Grundfos employees from outside Denmark occupy the other two seats.

  • The employee representatives participate and are equal board members in all questions related to the ownership of Grundfos;
  • However, they do not – according to Danish law – participate in decision making related to the philanthropic activities.
Employee rep. Agnes Pauer, Grundfos Hungary Employee rep. Søren Lund Nielsen, Grundfos Denmark
Melinda Briski Ágnes Eszter Pauer Søren Lund Nielsen Jesper Richter Rasmussen

Election of empoyee representatives

Grundfos held employee elections in January 2024 where the following employee representatives were elected to the Foundation Board. Newly elected employee representatives will take up their seats after the Foundation’s Annual Meeting (March).

The first employee elections took place in 2012. The next employee elections will be held in 2028.