In line with SDG 17, and to promote new approaches and expertise as well as optimize and increase synergies of investments, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and leading Danish philanthropic foundations, specifically LEGO Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Grundfos Foundation, aim to build a joint alliance.

The Kenya Refugee Alliance agreement was signed by the responsible minister, Dan Jørgensen, and the CEOs of the three foundations on 28 November 2023. Photo: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
We are less than 10 years away from reaching the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals and there is an urgent need to accelerate their implementation. As crises grow in intensity and complexity, greater collaboration along the humanitarian, development, and peace efforts and among public and private institutions is crucial.
As a first initiative, the Kenya Refugee Alliance will pioneer a program in Turkana, Northen Kenya, where refugees and host communities get access to sustainable quality services in areas of health, water and education to become more resilient and self-reliant.
Together with @LEGOfoundation, @novonordiskfond, and @PDJF_dk, the Danish Embassy in Kenya yesterday hosted a technical kick-off meeting for the Inclusive Refugee Response Partnership.
— Denmark in Kenya (@denmarkinkenya) November 22, 2023
Four project streams
The Grundfos Foundation supports four overall project streams:
WASH and Health (co-funded with with Novo Nordisk Foundation)
This stream will ensure that water and sanitation (WASH) is established in health clinics and that hand hygiene becomes a regular part of visits to health clinics. UNHCR will lead this effort to ensure that overall responsibility is anchored in one place.
- Grundfos Foundation funding: 14 mDKK
WASH and Education (co-funded with the LEGO Foundation)
This stream will ensure that water and sanitation is established in schools – and that WASH becomes a more regular part of the curriculum and teachers’ approach. Focus on increasing participation of girls in particular (including menstruation management), as well as ensuring a physical environment that is supportive of better schooling. International Rescue Committee (IRC) will lead this effort to ensure that overall responsibility is anchored in one place.
- Grundfos Foundation funding: 14 mDKK

On 22 November 2023, over 50 partners from the Kenyan Government, Turkana County, UNHCR and NGO-partners came together to discuss coordination and synergies in the implementation of the planned activities. The Foundation’s Head of Water, Nils Thorup, also participated (front row, 3rd from left). Photo: Royal Danish Embassy Kenya
Water in Settlements, Urban and Rural Areas (co-funded with DANIDA)
This stream will deliver solar-powered community water supply and develop improved livelihood opportunities in Turkana. Plan International and Danish Refugee Council have been selected to implement this stream.
- Grundfos Foundation funding: 30 mDKK
Program Management Office (co-funded with Novo Nordisk Foundation)
Local presence is key. A program management office will ensure progress of the alliance work, extract learning, create good communication and exploit new opportunities. This is a new approach, and the exact structure and approach is still in the making between the partners.
- Grundfos Foundation funding: 1 mDKK

The Royal Danish Embassy in Kenya hosted a technical kick-off meeting for the Inclusive Refugee Response Partnership on 22 November 2023. Photo: Royal Danish Embassy Denmark