Strategy – Water
The Foundation understands water as a fundamental prerequisite for human development and quality of life, and providing access to water reduces inequality and societal improvement.

How we invest in Water & Development

Our aspiration is to increase societal resilience in relation to water challenges and the accelerating effects of climate change for people living in places where water is a challenge.

We address the following challenges:

  • Water scarcity – About 2 billion people worldwide do not have access to sanitation and safe water today.
  • Climate change – Extreme weather events, such as floods and droughts, are both more likely and more severe, increasing water-related hazards.
  • Deepening inequality – Water and climate challenges increase the vulnerability of the most disadvantaged.

Our thematic focal points:

  • Ensure sustainable access to water for people in need of water, enabling broader societal development.
  • Strengthen local ownership and support critical capacity building in the water sector.
  • Explore innovative technology and financial models, focusing in particular on the water-related consequences of climate change.
  • Raise awareness of the value of water and disseminate approaches to the role of water in broader development.
Since Poul Due Jensen built his first pump in 1945, Grundfos has been a pioneer in providing innovative and sustainable water solutions.