Water-related donations in 2024

42 %

In 2024, 42% of the Foundation’s donations fell within Water & Development

123 million dkk

The Foundation donated 123m DKK to water projects in 2024


You can find more information about our work in the Annual Review.

Support for UNICEF in DR Congo: Don't Forget the Forgotten Disasters

A violent, escalating, and still largely overlooked conflict is currently unfolding in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo). More than six million people, including 3.5 million children, are internally displaced, while lack of access to everything from clean water to basic healthcare services is threatening children’s safety and well-being.

The Danish Refugee Council and the Grundfos Foundation join forces in a new humanitarian partnership

Over the next two years, the Grundfos Foundation will contribute a total of DKK5 million to the Danish Refugee Council’s Global Emergency Response Fund.

Support for UNICEF’s Efforts for Gaza’s Families and Children

More than a year of intense conflict finally came to a halt when a ceasefire in Gaza was agreed on January 15. This marks a crucial turning point for Gaza’s war-stricken civilian population, including hundreds of thousands of children.

C40 and the Grundfos Foundation expand partnership to help cities achieve water resilience

The Grundfos Foundation has renewed its support for the Water Safe Cities programme with a commitment of US$ 3.64 million (DKK 25.5 million) over the next three years for C40 Cities, the global network of nearly 100 cities committed to urgent and equitable climate action.

Research-practice collaboration to tackle immediate and future urban water challenges

A new collaboration between the Queen Mary Center, Professor of Political Science Michele Betsill, and C40 will investigate the transformative potential of high ambition city commitments within urban water management and resilience building.

Support for UNICEF’s Emergency Response in Lebanon

The conflict in the Middle East has spread across all of Lebanon where escalating hostilities has created enormous needs for lifesaving assistance and support. The Grundfos Foundation is supporting UNICEF's humanitarian efforts in this already fragile country.

Water as a job creator for youth in Togo

With DKK 20 m in funding from the Grundfos Foundation, PlanBørnefonden will use water as a lever for job creation among young people in Togo. The project combines the Foundation’s expertise in water with PlanBørnefonden’s many years of experience in job creation for youth to create sustainable future prospects for young people in the West African country.

Kigoma partnership enters the 2024 World Water Week

At 2024 World Water Week in Stockholm , the Grundfos Foundation shines a light on its important partnership with UNICEF and Water Mission in Western Tanzania’s Kigoma Region through an interactive photo exhibition.

Grundfos Foundation Leads the Way in Supporting UNICEF's Efforts in Sudan

Escalating conflict has pushed Sudan to the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe, with the threat of famine looming. As the first Danish foundation, Grundfos Foundation is supporting UNICEF's humanitarian efforts in this hard-hit country in Northeast Africa.
All donations
Every year in March, we publish an overview of all donations
Water & Development
Our philanthropic work directly supports UN Sustainable Goal 6 (Safe water and sanitation) through providing sustainable and affordable access to safe drinking water to the world's poorest.